Java, Bali, Lombok

Explore Gunung Halimun-Salak National Park

Gunung Halimun is part of Gunung Halimun – Salak National Park. It represents the type of lowland rain forest ecosystem, sub-montane and montane forest. Dense forest mostly covers the mountainous areas with several rivers and waterfalls. This area plays very important...

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Explore East Coast of Lombok

This three day journey will bring you to explore the sea and small islands on the east coast of Lombok. You will have opportunity to enjoy the hiking through monsoon forest to the waterfall on Moyo island, meet people who live on small island, fishing, swimming and...

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Explore Home of Javan Rhino on Ujung Kulon

The Ujung Kulon peninsula is the western most extension of Java. The park includes the peninsula, as well as the offshore islands of Peucang and Panaitan. This beautiful peninsula, protected on three sides by the sea and on the east by the Honje Mountains, has been a...

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Krakatau; The Days The World Explode

Krakatau; the days the world explode. This group of island consists of three islands and one volcano. These islands and volcano were formerly a single giant ancient volcano. It is believed that the ancient volcano erupted at around 600 AD and tore apart in to 3...

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